Residency Restrictions Florida
How Residency Restrictions Work Step 3 of 3
Verify the official state statute by clicking on the above link. Legislation may change that H.O.S.T. is not yet aware of. We are not affiliated with the state of Florida by any means. Information obtained from our website is not guarenteed to be current. We try our best to update all pages as soon as possible when it is brought to our attention of a change. Your commetns are welcomed.
Checking Local Ordianances
This is the page that is your aid for researching Florida sex offender residency restrictions so that you will be better prepared for Florida sex offender housing options.
Besides the state statute, you next need to also determine if a residence in mind for an offender has any local ordinance. Sometime a residence is under the jurisdiction of the county, other times it's the city. Do not asume you know that it's under city ordiance. The term to look up is municipilty. The result will be either the city name or Un-Incorporated (which means county rules, not city rules, apply. To determine which applies click on the check municipility button and be prepared to enter an address you are verifying. You only need to supply the address.
Remember that offense date?
Now you need to compare the offense date to the effective date of the living restriction rules. Sometiomes the offense date are before certain laws went into place. Sometimes they are not. Here's a link back to the page where you can look it up, in case you haven't done it or forgot.
Now do the math. Which rule is stricter, the state or the local ordiance? Remember the local ordiance may be the county rules of the city rules if a residence falls outside city jurisdiction. Did you remember to check the municipility? That's the term for the residence jursidiction, the city or the county. If the county has no specific ordiance, then it's then it follows the state's rule. If you need to go back and get the municipility click on the above link.
Listing of Florida County's Sex Offender Residency Ordiances.
If no county ordiance is listed the state statute of 1000 feet applies. You will need to click on the county to see if there are any local city ordiances. We will be working to open each county link as soon as we have verified each county's data.